Association for Cooperation and Development



About the Association for Cooperation and Development

The Association for Cooperation and Development (ACD) is a non-profit, self-governing and independent entity that assists in the interconnection, development and deepening of interregional cooperation between natural person and legal person from European, Asian, American, African and Australian countries in different areas. In particular, it concerns business, culture, arts, science and technology, economy, tourism, education, other areas, as well as the promotion of charitable work.

ACD builds and maintains partnerships with the private and public sector (organizations, companies, ministries, chambers, associations, institutions, governments, self-governments, regions, different territorial units, municipalities, cities, state and territory embassies) and creates an effective tool for mutual support, cooperation and development.

ACD's international activities and know-how create an effective tool for building professional and business contacts, developing and creating business opportunities, or networking of verified contacts.

Association for Cooperation and Development.

A brief information about the Association for Cooperation and Development and address of the headquarters.

  • Founded: 2 Februay 2018
  • Websites: 
  • Phone: +421 988 456 7890
  • Location: Central Europe
  • Town: Prague
  • Country: Czech Republic
  • Street:  Rybna 24 (Old Town)
  • ZIP code: 11000 

"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." -- Henry Ford

REGULATIONS On Association for Cooperation and Development foreign representatives of ACD National Section


1. The Regulations on Association for Cooperation and Development (hereinafter referred to as the ACD) foreign representatives define the ACD foreign representatives of ACD National Section (hereinafter referred to as the RNS) appointment and dismissal procedure, as well as their functions within the territory of the country of residence.

2. ACD representatives are individuals that are not employed by the ACD and instructed to act in the interests of the ACD on a voluntary basis. As a rule, a foreign national holding a high (decent) social position in the country of residence and possessing the necessary personal qualities as well as the ability to properly carry out the functions assigned to him/her may be appointed as a ACD representative.

3. ACD RNS shall be governed by the laws of the Czech Republic and the country of residence, international treaties which the Czech Republic is part to, the generally recognized principles of international law and international customs, as well as the Statute of the ACD, the decisions of the ACD executive body, the orders of the President of the ACD, the instructions of ACD leaders and these Regulations.

4. The legal status of ACD representatives in the country of residence shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the Czech Republic and the laws of the country of residence.

5. The ACD shall not be liable for the obligations of ACD representatives. In turn, RNC shall not be responsible for the liabilities of the ACD.


1. In order for a candidate to be appointed to the position of a ACD representative an applicant himself or a requesting organization shall fill a form to the ACD with a proposal to appoint a particular person as a ACD representative with the following documents uploaded:

  • candidate’s application requesting the appointment to the position of a RNS;
  • candidate’s curriculum vitae;
  • references signed by a requesting organization or written on behalf of individuals holding prominent public positions in the country of residence (if any);
  • copy of the passport;
  • color photo;
  • contact information (place of residence, addresses, contact numbers, etc.).

2. The documents referred to in paragraph 1 Chapter B of these Regulations shall be considered by the ACD executive body for approval for the purpose intended.

3. The ACD executive body on the consideration of a candidate to be appointed to the position of a RNC shall submit the memorandum justifying (rejecting) such an appointment to the ACD President.


4. RNS is considered to be appointed to the position after the signing the cooperation agreement and is allowed to act on behalf of the ACD as soon as a standard certificate and a power of attorney to carry out activities in the country of residence are surrendered to him/her;

5. The reasons for the termination of the functions carried out by a ACD representative are as follows:

  • personal solicitation of a RNS;
  • representative’s systematic non-observance of the ACD Statute,
  • decisions of the ACD executive body or of the President of the ACD.

6. Provided there are grounds for the termination of the functions carried out by a RNS, a ACD executive body shall draw up and submit a memorandum justifying the release from office of a ACD representative to the ACD President.

7. RNS shall be considered dismissed from the post after the ACD President protocol is signed.

8. When dismissed a RNS shall return a standard certificate in case it is still valid and a power of attorney to carry out activities in the country of residence to the ACD.

Tasks, obligations and rights of ACD representatives


1. The main tasks of RNS are as follows:

  • to represent the interests of the ACD and ACD members in the country of residence;
  • to support the creation of favorable conditions for the all kind of cooperation and development within the country of residence;
  • to promote the establishment and development of contacts between the ACD and chambers, government bodies, businesses and non-profit organizations, ministries, embassies, consulates and other partner organizations of the country of residence in the field of foreign trade, business, culture, education, services, and other fields.

2. RNS within one’s competence shall meet the following responsibilities:

2.1. shall collect and submit to the ACD:

  • information analysis products and reference data suggesting the solutions for cooperation and development between ACD, ACD members and the country of residence, giving an insight into market trends and conditions, business and other missions exchange, as well as other matters of interest to the ACD;
  • legislative acts, rules, and regulations governing foreign trade, business and other activities, cooperation and development in the country of residence;
  • analysis of exhibition activities, major products and services, organization of product quality examination and certification, intellectual property rights protection, arbitral authorities operation;
  • recommendations on exhibitions, fairs, and other congress events held in the country of residence, participation in which may be of interest to ACD;

2.2. shall maintain contacts with business and non-business associations and partner organizations of the ACD within the country of residence, which contribute to the cooperation and development;

2.3. shall provide practical assistance on ACD request to the ACD in:

  • data collection on problem areas and other issues in the country of residence;
  • representation and protection of their interests on issues related to activities implementation in the country of residence, including the contribution to the settlement of disputes between them and their foreign partners;
  • search for potential partners in the country of residence, the establishment of direct communications, that includes involving, on agreed terms, specialized organizations to provide consulting and information services concerning market research, engineering, marketing, industrial property protection, legal and other issues;
  • organization of meetings, negotiations, seminars and other events with the participation of interested members of ACD and residence country organizations;
  • organization of exhibitions, seminars, conferences, missions, trade fairs, set up of advertising and information centers in the country of residence, as well as attraction of entities to participate in exhibitions and events held under the auspices of the ACD;

2.4. shall advocate for the attraction of investments into ACD projects, assist in the promotion and implementation of investment and other projects designed by ACD members in the territory of the country of residence and, on agreed terms, investment and other projects of foreign companies in the ACD projects;

2.5. if requested by the ACD, shall represent its interests in the country of residence;

2.6. shall disseminate data of the activities of the ACD and its members, as well as the terms of cooperation with the members of the ACD within the territory of the country of residence;

2.7. shall act in accordance with the laws of the country of residence, the Czech Republic and these Regulations;

2.8. shall focus his/her activities on the implementation of tasks under and pursuant to these Regulations;

2.9. shall execute within one’s competence the decisions taken by the ACD governing bodies, orders, directives and instructions of ACD leaders;

2.10. shall timely submit information regarding the most important issues and reports as requested by ACD as frequently as circumstances dictate.

3. RNS possesses the right to:

3.1. use standard set forms and a business cards of a ACD representative to perform their duties and functions;

3.2. to contact, within the competence and in the prescribed manner, the officials of government bodies, businesses and other organizations and enterprises of the country of residence;

3.3. to request within their competence and receive from the ACD and its affiliated organizations necessary materials and information to perform the tasks specified in these Regulations.


Our mission

The ACD's mission is to promote the versatile development of mutual relations in the various areas between the private and public sectors of the countries of Europe, Asia, America, Africa and Australia.


99.9% of the total number of business entities, not only in the European Economic Area, are micro, small or medium sized enterprises that provide employment opportunities for the majority of the active labor force and are significantly involved in gross production and added value creation. These entities are also an innovative and technological resource, create a competitive environment, support economic growth, and produce and deliver products and services that are not being willingly offered by large enterprises.


Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises represent an important part of their economies in developed countries and are among the main pillars of national economies. According to the European Commission's classification no. 2003/361 / EC, we divide the size of enterprises as follows:

Category of enterprise

Number of employees(main criterion)

Annual turnover (secondary criterion)

Annual balance amount

Micro enterprise 1 to 9 ≤ 2 000 000 € ≤ 2 000 000 €
Small enterprise 10 to 49 ≤ 10 000 000 € ≤ 10 000 000 €
Medium enterprise 50 to 249 ≤ 50 000 000 € ≤ 43 000 000 €
Large enterprise 250 +    


Similar rules for division and classification can be also applied in other continents.


ACD builds a strong network of professional contacts and collaborate with micro, small, medium and large enterprises by implementing joint projects and incentives to help co-operate and develop not only business opportunities. We firmly believe that we will also be able to welcome you among partners or members of our international independent association.


Apart from enterprises, ACD is internationally active and cooperates with organizations, companies, ministries, chambers, associations, institutions, governments, local authorities, regions, different territorial units, municipalities in following areas:


• business,

• culture,

• art,

• science and technology,

• economy,

• tourism and travel,

• education,

• other areas as well as

• supporting charitable activities.

We apply the Working Codex of the Association for Development and Cooperation (ACD) in the implementation of mutual cooperation:



  • We act in accordance with valid legislation and generally acknowledged values, with emphasis on strict adherence to the principles of business and social labels.
  • The relationship between partners and members is based upon honesty, mutual respect and trust.
  • We abide by all terms of the Treaties, and expect the same from all parties involved.
  • We negotiate independently, objectively and honestly to avoid any conflict of interest and not to abuse our position.
  • We always work to preserve our dignity, good reputation and name. 
  • We will never disclose any information marked as confidential to third parties.
  • We continuously improve data security and we pay special attention to data protection in our information systems. 
  • We minimize paper and energy consumption in order to help save the environment.

The auspice of the Association for Cooperation and Development (ACD)

The auspice of the Association for Cooperation and Development (ACD) is a symbolic acknowledgment of the high quality, professionalism and unique contribution of a project or event that has an international character. In relation to the public, it is an expression of the fact that it is an important and prestigious event or a credible project.

ACD's auspicing is an honor therefore no financial or other security benefits of the project/event arise out of it.

An application for the ACD auspice may be requested by a natural or a legal person that is a member of the ACD and at the same time the main organizer of the event or a project owner and is responsible for the preparation and implementation throughout the duration of the project or event.

To be provided with aupsice, required documents along with a completed application for a project or event must be submitted to the ACD at least 12 working days before the event or launch of the project.

It should be noted:
• the name of the project or event,
• a brief characteristics,
• the date and venue of the event,
• duration of the event,
• benefit for society and international relations.

In case of granting ACD auspice, the entity that has received it, has the right to state this fact in any promotion, marketing activity of the event and use of the ACD logo.

The applicant will be notified about granting the ACD auspice by e-mail or through the association's information system no later than 12 working days from the date of accepting the application.

Warning: In case an ACD logo has been already made availabale to the applicant (for example, by a former auspice), it may not be used again without ACD consent. Self-use of the ACD logo is a violation of Copyright Act. 121/2000 Coll. and its unauthorized use will be settled by law.



Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic The File Reference L 69869 is filed at the Municipal Court in Prague Identification number 06820492


Rybna 24 street, Old town, 11000 Prague 1

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